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The Pacific Island Farmers online library of publications from Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Timor Leste.

Climate Adaptation in the Pacific Islands through a Gender Lens

This manual is intended to assist our farmers and nursery owners on how to grow high quality vegetable seedlings and also how to run a vegetable seedling nursery as a business. Through some of the tips in this manual it is expected that nurseries will be better equipped to handle natural disasters so that farmers can have a quick and ready access to seedlings to rehabilitate after a natural disaster. It is also hoped that our farmers and nursery owners with greater knowledge and skills will increase their income by producing more quality vegetables.

Growing Vegetable Seedlings in Fiji – Practical Guide

This manual is intended to assist our farmers and nursery owners on how to grow high quality vegetable seedlings and also how to run a vegetable seedling nursery as a business. Through some of the tips in this manual it is expected that nurseries will be better equipped to handle natural disasters so that farmers can have a quick and ready access to seedlings to rehabilitate after a natural disaster. It is also hoped that our farmers and nursery owners with greater knowledge and skills will increase their income by producing more quality vegetables.

Pacific Farmer Organisations: Strategic Plan 2022- 2027

Since 2013, the Pacific Farmer Organisations’ initiative has increased its membership from 13 farmer
organisations in 2013 to 30 farmer organisations in 2022. The initiative has also seen an increase in
geographic spread from 6 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) in 2013 to 12 PICTs in 2022.
Finally, the initiative has been able to mobilise investment for farmer organisations from an annual budget of
USD 170,000 in 2013 to USD 1,700,000 in 2022. PIFON exemplifies regional collaboration between grass
roots organisations. The partnership model also demonstrates how farmers working together can create a
powerful movement that attracts investment from the public sector.

Farmers Have Their Say

A guide to help Pacific farmers organisations ‘build’ and ‘promote’ their case to influence policy. We would like to recognise the policy work already done

The Tilapia Compendium 2022

The Tilapia Compendium 2022 A Compendium for Tilapia Aquaculture businesses in Vanuatu, Fiji, and Tonga. Read the full compendium here: The Tilapia Compendium 2022.

Breadfruit manual_27 May 2022

Breadfruit manual_27 May 2022 A Manual for Growing and Marketing Breadfruit prepared by Andrew McGregor, Kaitu Erasito, Kyle Stice and Livai Tora. Read the full

Breadfruit compendium

Breadfruit compendium This Breadfruit compendium comprises 6 modules and a reference list. Module 1: Before You Start Module 2: Establishing a Breadfruit Agroforestry Orchard Module

Bamboo Agribusiness Compendium (Oct 2021)

Bamboo Agribusiness Compendium (Oct 2021) Lex Thomson, Mark Borg and Soko Sukulu Comprising six modules, this Bamboo Agribusiness Compendium draws on the insights of bamboo

Agribusiness assessment tool template

A systematic framework that can support a better understanding and evaluation of the expected and actual income and livelihood benefits of agribusiness research interventions across

Agribusiness assessment framework

A decision support tool to assess the suitability of agribusinesses, commodities and value chains in the agricultural sector for public policy and research interventions. The

Farmer Registration Leaflet: Vanuatu

This leaflet summarises the options for registering different types of farmer groups in Vanuatu. It aims to help farmers decide which option is the most

Farmer Registration Leaflet: Samoa

  This leaflet summarises the options for registering different types of farmer groups in Samoa. It aims to help farmers decide which option is the

Farmer Registration Leaflet: Fiji

This leaflet summarises the options for registering different types of farmer groups in Fiji. It aims to help farmers decide which option is the most

Breadfruit Manual

Since the last publication of this Manual in 2005, progress has been seen with the move from wild-harvesting to orchard-style commercial breadfruit production, and the

Pacific Report [1] | August 2020

Best identified as a massive archipelago comprising countries with many islands, the Pacific region is unique. Masses of water separate the countries, and within themselves,

Breadfruit + Health

Dr.Tusi Avegalio, traditional leader and business professor leader of two national award winning centers at the University of Hawaii, recently in May (2019) presented the

Introduction to Vetiver

Produced by Farm Support Association (Vanuatu), this training manual is a great introductory to Vetiver Grass in support of fieldworkers and/or farmers who are faced with

Coconut Value Chain Market Study

The Coconut Industry Development Project’s (CIDP) Coconut Value Chain Market Study that reports on non-traditional coconut products such as virgin coconut oil (VCO), coconut water,

Waste less and sell more

This book seeks to help Pacific market vendors increase their profit and reduce losses through simple and low-cost value-adding ideas that provide an alternative use


GODAN Success Stories Issue 1

Global Open Data for Agricultre and Nutrition (GODAN) Open data is the next revolution. Humanity will be able to build on the gains made from

How to grow breadfruit

A Trinidad and Tobago publication on how to grow breadfruit File Size: 3000 kb VIEW & DOWNLOAD PUBLICATION


Climate Change and Pacific Island Food Systems

Climate change in Pacific Island Countries and territories (PICTs) is projected to have significant impacts, including rising sea-levels, more violent tropical cyclones and droughts. In