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The Pacific Island Farmers online library of publications from Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Timor Leste.

Cover Crops and Green Manure Crops

Colorado State University Extension Master Gardener Program Garden Notes #244 States the definition of cover crop and green manure crop, the benefits, the recipes, the

Biochar and Sustainable Agriculture

A publication of ATTRA – National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. Biochar has the potential to produce farm-based renewable energy in a climate-friendly manner and provide

Soil Fertility Management

The Development of the Pacific Organic Development Strategy was the task of the regional organic task force (ROTF). File Size: 7747 kb VIEW & DOWNLOAD


Where the purpose is to enhance the livelihoods of rural people, aid funds spent on public facilities often produce small, slow, diffuse and disappointing results.

Erosion Problems on Ambae compressed

Retain traditional shifting fallow gardening practices. Plant vetiver hedges to stop soil loss. Incorporate nitrogen fixing trees into the hedges FSA will adapt the concept

Farm Technology

People from Melanesia heavily rely on their land for their livelihoods. They depend on their environment for food and income from cash crops, for clean

Intl Cooperators Guide Tomato web

The procedures described here allow comparison of the data collected in different test environments (locations, years, and seasons) by researchers participating in AVRDC multi environment

Solomon Islands Cocoa Book

This book was written and published by staff of the Solomon Islands Cocoa Livelihoods Improvement Project (CLIP) in 2010. CLIP is an Australian Government Aid

Samoan Noni

Approximately 75% of the Samoan population lives in rural communities with over 130,000 people relying in some measure on the productivity of the agriculture sector.

Pearls Import Substitution


Fiji Food Retail Transformation

Increased prices can be explained by tariff increases and the 20% depreciation of the $FJD in 2009.Hotels still require these key ingredients and over the

Links Feedback Synthesis

General improvements – user friendliness, look, categorizing information, searching for information, expanding on what is there, keeping it current and facilitating social media. File Size:

Coffee TPC in PNG (byTim Martyn)

On the margins: Third Party Certification among Papua New Guinea smallholder coffee producers. File Size: 379 kb VIEW & DOWNLOAD PUBLICATION

PNG Vanilla Case Study (2004)

The subject of value chains is so broad that you’re guaranteed to get criticism regardless of how good your thinking.   File Size: 1031 kb

Access To Finance

Finance of Agriculture is not working for numerous reasons. Over optimistic assumptions for efficiency are damaging. Our farmers know best. File Size: 100 kb DOWNLOAD

Aruligo Pineapple Mapping Report 1

Aruligo suppliers are an informal group of farmers and traders from mainly three settlements; Duidui, Horabao, Vatukulau on the north west of Honiara. A majority

Guide to smallholder marketing

Marketing involves finding out what your customers want and supplying it to them at a profit. File Size: 1330 kb VIEW & DOWNLOAD PUBLICATION

Linking smallholders to markets 1

A number of non-technical terms are used frequently throughout the FAO Pacific Farm Management and Marketing Series. In order to avoid constant repetition, we have

Linking smallholders to markets 2

There are many types of farming families in the Pacific. Their activities vary greatly not just by region—Melanesia, Micronesia or Polynesia—but even within the same

Linking smallholders to markets 3

This report aims to synthesise individual country reports from the seven FAO Member Countries in the South Pacific, i.e. Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea,

Linking smallholders to markets 4

The report focuses on Fiji and Vanuatu. Fiji, which is often presented as a model for other Pacific island countries to emulate, has a useful

Pacific Organic Standard

In the Pacific region, organic production is both traditional and new. It is traditional in the sense that the majority of producers to this day

Fiji Taro

There has been considerable focus in recent years on the taro export supply chain in Fiji, and the Pacific as a whole, with the objective

Organic Certification

The boom of organic markets worldwide has created great opportunities and expectations in developing and transition countries for their participation as suppliers. File Size: 1294


This AHP five-year strategic plan for mainstreaming climate change into the work of the Animal Health and Production team of the Land Resources Division was

Participatory Toolkit

This sustainable agriculture toolkit is a documentation of the process used by the Development of Sustainable Agriculture in the Pacific project (DSAP). File Size: 2610

Household Gardening Skills

The manual describes how old andnew techniques can be combined toprovide Pacific island communities with an ecologically sustainable approach to subsistence home gardening. The techniques

Integrated Pest Management

Combining old and new methods and sharing knowledge and skills may lead to truly sustainable ways of managing the insects which reduce crop productivity. File

Community Seed Saving

This manual is designed as a tool for small scale, community-based (local and regional) seed production and distribution centres.It may also be useful for village

People on the edge – 2005 Report

A report of the 2005 Kastom Gaden Association assessment of food security and livelihoods on the Guadalcanal Weather Coast, Solomon Islands. File Size: 2692 kb



Sheep in Humid Tropics

The wet tropical conditions that prevail through the Fiji Islands are conducive to major problems with nematode parasites in grazing small ruminants.   File Size:

Market Access Study Taro (March 2011)

This scoping study hereafter referred to as the “the study” was initiated by the SPC/EU Facilitating Agricultural Commodity Trade (FACT) Project in response to the

Vanuatu Beef exports to Australia

This submission is intended to provide appropriate information to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) on the BSE status of Vanuatu to enable a risk

Taro Pest

An illustrated guide to pests and diseases of taro in the South Pacific.   File Size: 2316 kb VIEW & DOWNLOAD PUBLICATION

Taro Beetle Report

The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) funded a six-year project for the management of taro beetle in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Fiji.
