Chasing WIFI Signals – Farmers Learn ICT to Boost Reporting and Production
Listening to Maria Linibi’s story of how the foundation she heads got gifted five acres of good agricultural land in

Maria’s Joseph-Like Instincts – Gifted Farm Proves A Lifesaver In Covid Lockdown
Listening to Maria Linibi’s story of how the foundation she heads got gifted five acres of good agricultural land in

School Canteens Want To Go Local – Nutritious Local Food Project For Children
Like other organisations in the Pacific whose activities were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chambre d’Agriculture de Nouvelle Caledonie

Farming Food Crops And Trees – Promoting Agroforestry Among Young Growers
Lines of pineapples run along cocoa trees, while pepper is grown in and around mango orchards. These crops as well

The School by the Garden – Tutu is Model for Adult Education in Rural Fiji
With Taveuni popularly known as the Garden Island of Fiji, it therefore follows that Tutu Rural Training Centre (TRTC) can

‘TEL-A-WOMAN’ – Fiji’s Latest Revolution
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic brought Fiji’s hospitality, aviation and tourism industry to its knees in 2020 forcing nearly 40,000 workers

Gardens with key pandemic prompts keyhole gardens in Rarotonga
The Cook Islands and kuru (breadfruits) share a long and interesting history. It was the English explorer Captain James Cook

English Navigator and the ‘Kuru’ Story – Cook Islands Retrace Its Breadfruit Roots
The Cook Islands and kuru (breadfruits) share a long and interesting history. It was the English explorer Captain James Cook

The Rise of the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network
“Before we were using Excel sheets for data entry and reporting, but now we have MYOB installed it is easier

Expanding the Network – A Win-Win Situation
Expanding the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network membership is not undertaken lightly, especially when it involves adding a new country

Better Farmer Organisations for Timor Leste
The Asosiasaun Nasional Produtor Fini Komersial (ANAPROFIKO) is a young organisation with a big job. It was established in 2015,

Supporting the Evolution of a Farmer Organisation
In the middle of the MTCP2 programme, the national implementing agency in the Solomon Islands ran into a problem –

Planting for the Future
Kastom Gaden Association in the Solomon Islands has been promoting open-pollinated seeds and seed saving for almost 20 years. Through

Cottage Industry Development on Taveuni
In the earlier Vanuatu section we were briefly introduced to the Tutu Rural Training Centre on the island of Taveuni

Building a National Platform – Farmers Finding their Voice
Bringing farmers together to talk about the technical side of farming is pretty easy in the Pacific. Farmers want to

Filipe the Farmer
Filipe Filihia is a Tongan farmer. He was involved in both the breadfruit and papaya farmer-to-farmer technical exchanges that were

Building New Export Industries – Papaya
Like many things that make a lasting change, it started off with something simple – in April 2015, a farmer

Farmer to Farmer Exchanges Yield Results
Farmer-to-farmer learning exchanges are not a new concept and many of them have been run over the five years of

Pineapples in Paradise
“Samoa Farmers Association believes we can’t work with every farmer to transfer technologies. That’s why we choose some lead farmers,

Putting Women Farmers Centre Stage
Maria Linibi is not your average farmer, in fact, she is not your average person. As the founder of Papua