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Category: Uncat

Sep 10
Breadfruit People to launch a series of projects

S E P T E M B E R  2 0 2 1 Friday 10 Breadfruit People are preparing to launch a series of projects to inspire and support breadfruit producers in Oceania. The Pacific is expected to face serious food security implications by 2050, climate change however is expected to have less impacts on […]

Sep 06
PIFON secures $1.5M partnership to boost economic recovery

September 2021 Project: Pacific Islands Rural & Agriculture Stimulus (PIRAS) The Pacific Islands Rural & Agriculture Stimulus (PIRAS) $1.5M project is set to boost economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in the next 3 years, while improving incomes and food and nutrition security for rural communities in Fiji and Solomon Islands. It follows the Pacific […]