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Category: Uncat

Nov 01
Nature’s Way Cooperative explores trade mark options

N O V E M B E R  2 0 2 1 Monday 01 Nadi, Fiji – Nature’s Way Cooperative is currently seeking legal advice to trade mark the brand “Fiji Red Papaya”. The trademark activity will cover the variety (Hermaphrodite), Shape (pear) and will require the input of stakeholders involved in the papaya supply […]

Oct 29
“I want women to earn a living and help build the floriculture industry”

O C T O B E R  2 0 2 1 Friday 29 Nadi, Fiji – In pursuit of its long-term goal to develop a world class floriculture industry that makes a significant contribution to the livelihoods of women in agriculture, South Sea Orchids has partnered with Floriculture Support Association, Model Towns Charitable Trust – […]