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Category: Uncat

Apr 17
Food Security A Growing Concern In Solomon Islands Following TC Harold

April 2020 Assessments on Guadalcanal Province To Conclude This Week Solomon Times’ Jimmy Nolan says roads and bridges connecting villages to Honiara has been badly affected and in certain cases villages have been cut off having to use a boat instead  IMAGE: Solomon Times A preliminary plan by the Solomon Islands National Emergency Operation Centers (NEOC) estimates more […]

Apr 15
Vanuatu Authorities Call For Value Adding Initiatives In Response To 4 Disasters

April 2020 The Pacific’s Biggest Fight Yet Vanuatu authorities are calling for more value-adding initiatives to prolong the shelf life of local produce IMAGE: Jean Pierre Niptik Vanuatu is responding to 4 disaster events – TC Harold, COVID 19, Tanna Volcano Ash Falls and Flash Flooding on Teouma River on the island of Efate. As government […]