b l o g
o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1
By Piero Bianchessi, Former Owner and Operator of Venui Vanilla
Goal 1 : to improve enzymatic activity by keeping the scalded beans warm and moist
Tools : (1) insulated box (2) empty plastic bottles (3) blankets (4) clear plastic sheets – food quality
Warning : Beans must be kept warm. Ensure the box is kept above 45°C for 48 hours to continue the enzymatic activity for high quality vanilla.
(1) If you cannot completely fill the box with bean, keep it warm by placing bottles of hot water (50 to 60°C) around the wrapped beans.
(2) Leave for 48 hours, then begin SUN CURING.
Box is cold – not enough beans to fill the box.
Add hot water bottles to keep the beans warm