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Vanilla Technical Session | Grass Cover [Live Mulch]

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Good mulching will help the roots grow

By Piero Bianchessi, Former Owner and Operator of Venui Vanilla

Goal 1 to maintain a well mown grass cover between the vanilla lines

Goal 2 : to help retain soil humidity and shade the roots when the vanilla roots run outside the mulch

WhenAll year – 3 to 4 times a year

Tools Bush knife

FACTS Over the years the vanilla roots will run outside the mulch between the rows of vanilla. Therefore grass cover is essential to maintain soil humidity, lower the temperature and share the roots from the sun. However, it is also essential to keep the grass short and weed free to avoid insect infestations.  


  • (1)  Do not cut or weed the grass cover to bare soil
  • (2) Grass will not grow under excessive shade


Cut the grass parallel to the soil, a few centimeters above the ground and pull out weeds by hand – DO NOT cut into the soul with a bush knife!

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