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Six ways the Pre Summit will accelerate the 2030 SDG Agenda

July 2021

United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021

In the next three days leaders will meet to discuss the latest evidence base and scientific approaches from around the world to strengthen action and mobilise new financing and partnerships.

The Pre-Summit talks are being led by UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi in Rome ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit in September.

The event will consolidate the substantive work of the Summit into a common vision and is aiming to accelerate and transform food systems in support of achieving the sustainable development goals by 2030.

Here are 6 ways the Pre Summit will accelerate the 2030 SDG Agenda.

(1) Bringing together the best ideas from all of the Summit’s structures while also identifying priorities and distilling a common vision aligned with the 2030 Agenda.

(2) Advance multi-stakeholder collaboration for food systems between governments, businesses, civil society, and other players around game-changing solutions that address the complex issues of our food systems.

(3) Provide an opportunity for a select number of Heads of State and Government, including the Italian Prime Minister, and other public and private leaders to feature and advance their commitments to action, set a tone of leadership and bold ambition, and inspire the engagement of many others by the time of the Summit.

(4) Promote a global discourse and narrative on food systems at the centre of achieving the SDGs, with vast virtual engagement and a coordinated advocacy and communications campaign reaching into all regions and of the world. This discourse will highlight the importance of food systems for progress on climate, development finance and other global priorities.

(5) Foster a sense of community by bringing together countries, stakeholders, and constituencies in all parts of food systems from all parts of the world.

(6) Feature and mobilise the types of public and private investments needed to drive food systems transformation and prioritized game-changing solutions.

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