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Category: Uncat

Feb 03
Chambre d’Agriculture de Nouvelle-Calédonie Agroforestry And School Project To Promote A Multifunctional Agriculture Approach

F E B R U A R Y  2 0 2 1 François Japiot says the Chambre d’Agriculture de Nouvelle-Calédonie is focused on strengthening production and improving access to markets Wednesday 03 Noumea, New Caledonia – The Chambre d’Agriculture de Nouvelle-Calédonie is working with stakeholders in agroforestry and schools to improve and strengthen food and nutritional security. Regional […]

Feb 01
Students Address Food And Nutrition Security With Plans To Sustain Overseas Market

F E B R U A R Y  2 0 2 1 Students of Tutu Rural Training Centre are addressing food and nutrition security in Taveuni Monday 01 Taveuni Island, Fiji – Students of Tutu Rural Training Centre (TRTC) have planted 17,800 Tausala variety taro tops as part of key plans to boost food and […]