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Category: Uncat

Apr 14
Value Chain Analysis Of Virgin Coconut Oil For Domestic Markets

April 2021 The Banaban (Rabi Island) Case Study Lavinia Kaumaitotoya says the domestic market for VCO remains largely untapped In 2018, the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network was commissioned by the European Union and the Pacific Community to conduct an overview of the market for Pacific Island coconut products and the ability of the industries […]

Apr 14
Kastom Gaden Association Facilitate Backyard Gardening For Women

A P R I L  2 0 2 1 Women from the Matariu Women’s Fellowship of the South Sea Evangelical Church were recent participants of Kastom Gaden Association’s training IMAGE: Solomon Star News Wednesday 14 Honiara, Solomon Islands – Kastom Gaden Association have successfully facilitated a backyard gardening training for women living in urban areas. Close […]