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Category: Uncat

Apr 19
Te Tango Enua Improve Capacity Building For Farmers

A P R I L  2 0 2 1 Heather Webber of TTE says the recent purchase of the Electrocoup F3015 will see farmers finish pruning in a short time span Monday 19 Rarotonga, Cook Islands – Te Tango Enua have begun capacity building for farmers as part of key plans to enhance productivity of […]

Apr 16
Samoa Farmers Association Lead Ornamental Program

A P R I L  2 0 2 1 Close to 30 youths and women are working on an ornamental program by the Samoa Farmers Association   Friday 16 Apia, Samoa – The Samoa Farmers Association are in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries and Samoa Tourism Authority to revive ornamentals. Close to […]