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Category: Uncat

Apr 30
Increasing Urban Population Pose Food Security Issues In Solomon Islands

A P R I L  2 0 2 1 Esther Lodu said urban residents are less likely to have and maintain the household gardens that rural Solomon Islanders rely on for their daily food needs and income security Friday 30 Honiara, Solomon Islands – Increasing population density in and around urban centers are creating major […]

Apr 28
Farm Support Association – Vanuatu and Tanna Coffee Conduct Farmers Training

A P R I L  2 0 2 1 Peter Koah said it was important for farmers to be diversified and ready to meet natural disasters IMAGE: Tanna Coffee Wednesday 26 Tanna Island, Vanuatu – Farm Support Association-Vanuatu and Tanna Coffee are providing trainings for smallholder farmers following a high interest in coffee. “It’s a […]