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Category: Uncat

May 14
Farmers Concerned With Damaged Crops on Santo Island

M A Y  2 0 2 1 TC Harold damage on the Vanuatu island of Santo IMAGE: VBTC Friday 14 Santo Island, Vanuatu – Lapita Café cassava farmers are concerned  with wild pigs damaging their crop. “In addition to the impacts of TC Harold, farmers were having issues with animals like wild pigs damaging newly planted […]

May 14
Traditional Breadfruit Agroforestry In The Pacific Islands

May 2021 Varietal Diversity In Breadfruit The Breadfruit People are currently hosting a series of webinars featuring speakers from the Pacific working toward the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural sustainability of breadfruit IMAGE: Supplied Studies and direct observations by experts indicate the need for conserving traditional knowledge relating to the varietal diversity in breadfruit. Dr Lex […]