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Category: Uncat

Jul 07
Educational content on agriculture increase as COVID-19 cases soars

July 2021 Farmer Organisations in Fiji partner with Fiji One Television Green Pillars figures on YouTube show the highest number of views in Taro Farming, with young adults forming the majority of the views at 38%  IMAGE: Green Pillars, Fiji Television Limited There is a sharp rise in demand for educational content on agriculture in […]

Jul 05
PIFON adapts farmer organisation growth tool

July 2021 Measuring Regional Progress for FO4ACP Program Basket garden demonstration for women in the Solomon Islands IMAGE: Kastom Gaden Association The Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network has adapted the Asian Farmers Association farmer organisation growth tool for its members in 9 Pacific Island countries.  Manager Lavinia Kaumaitotoya however warned that without critical assessment, identifying […]