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Category: Uncat

Dec 07
PIRAS : “Rural communities have the potential to supply the global market”

D E C E M B E R  2 0 2 1 Tuesday 07 Sabeto, Fiji – Women and children are at the heart of Rise Beyond the Reef, and one of its main goals is to work with rural communities to help address the cycles and barriers they face. Project partners and local community supporters came […]

Dec 06
Nishi Trading’s online shop feasibility study launched

D E C E M B E R  2 0 2 1 Monday 06 Nuku’alofa, Tonga – Nishi Trading could be set for its own online shop following public enquiries made at New Zealand’s Fine Food Show earlier this year. Nishi Trading said the idea of an ‘online shop’ could have benefits for its customers […]