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Category: Uncat

Mar 20
The First in the Pacific

March 2019 LIVING THE ORGANIC WAY Covering an area of just over 30 square kilometres, the island of Cicia was declared organic in 2013 and making them the first in the Pacific. Supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Concept Training enabled the people of Cicia to align […]

Mar 18
Modernizing Agriculture

  March 2019 IDENTIFYING ISSUES, CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES + DEVELOPING GOALS FOR THE FUTURE A 2-day workshop [Organizing and Strengthening our Farmers and Farmer’s Organisations as Entrepreneurs and Partners in Agribusiness] by the Fiji Crop & Livestock Council was recently held in Suva as part of modernizing the agriculture sector [Photo: Fiji Beekeepers Association] The agriculture […]