September 2019 Can Aquaculture Help Alleviate Poverty and Malnutrition? The government of Timor-Leste aims to increase aquaculture production to 12,000 tonnes by 2030 in order to help alleviate malnutrition – Image: Tilapia Hatchery, Timor-Leste by WorldFish Over 100 aquaculture stakeholders met last month at the second National Aquaculture Forum in Dili, Timor-Leste to address one […]
August 2019 Understanding The Value Chain The Value Chain Training and Stakeholder Mappings workshops are currently underway for more than 120 participants and in more than 3 islands of Kiribati. Co-Facilitator Routan Tongaiaba says the response from the communities have been very high and that farmers are learning the importance of their farmer association. ‘They’re […]