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Category: Uncat

Dec 05
Farmer Organisations for Africa Caribbean and the Pacific

December 2019 Partnering with Pacific Farmer Organisations Members of PIFON yesterday took a tour of Fruits of the Earth Farm in Nadi, Fiji  Poverty is prominent in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries where 65-70 percent of the population live in rural areas and practice farming at subsistence level. With an implementation period of 54 months, […]

Nov 29
Mai e Nima: Helping Improve The Health & Well-Being of Children in Tonga

November 2019 Enhancing Food & Nutrition Education and Promoting Smallholder Farmers Mai e Nima is a health campaign that is helping improve the health and well-being of children in Tonga IMAGE: Nishi Trading With a reach of 47 million students in the education sector each year, the Brazilian school feeding programme is the second biggest in […]