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Category: Uncat

Apr 30
Pacific Farmers Have Their Say: Conflicts May Rise Over Scarce Resources

April 2020 Farmers Need To Look Out For Each Other SWAG’s Tapu Tuailemafua says impacts of COVID 19 is going to be drastic should the crisis extend IMAGE : Ms Sunshine Farms Border closures, movement restrictions, and disruptions in the shipping and the aviation industries have made it harder to continue food production and transport goods. […]

Apr 29
Pacific Farmers Have Their Say: Strengthen Communication Networks

April 2020 WiBDi Takes Trading Online Adimaimalaga Tafunai, the Executive Director of WiBDi says with the proper support, farmers can build the economy back IMAGE: WiBDi For over twenty years, Women in Business Development Inc (WiBDi) has worked with farmers and artisans from around Samoa in ways that honour tradition, technology, and fair trade. Today […]