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The training is in response to the increasing population density in urban centres which Esther Lodu – Kastom Gaden Association Trainer – says has also given rise to food security issues
Monday 10
Noro, Solomon Islands – Twenty-eight women have attended a four day garden training at the Soltuna Women’s Hostel compound.
The training which involved the establishment of a model garden introduced the women to nursery management, field transplanting, seed saving and seed productions, compost making, rapid multiplication techniques and farm management. The women were also provided with gardening materials.
Kastom Gaden Association Trainer, Esther Lodu said the training was in response to the increasing population density in urban centres and part of key plans to strengthen food security.
The activities are funded by the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP) Programme, a joint partnership between the European Union, Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) and Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON).