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New book improves knowledge of climate change impacts on Pacific crops, livestock and forests

June 2016


Vulnerability of Pacific Island Agriculture and forestry to climate change

Climate change will have a negative impact on the overall productivity of agriculture and forestry across the Pacific Islands region in the coming decades, posing a critical load on food supply systems, economies and livelihoods. That is a key message in a landmark book released on 28th June, 2016 by the Pacific Community (SPC), with the funding support from Australia, in the presence of representatives of more than 20 Pacific Island countries and territories at SPC headquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia.

There has been a number of mentions of PIFON in this publication emphasising the importance of the role of farmer organisations in the sharing of knowledge between farmers across the different Pacific Island countries and territories. This knowledge exchange has been possible through PIFON facilitated farmer-to-farmer exchange systems incorporated into climate change projects.

The launch took place during SPC’s 46th meeting of its Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA 46).

The Vulnerability of Pacific Agriculture and Forestry to Climate Change publication can be found here  and its factsheet on the PIFON website. Hard copies may be ordered from SPC Publications by emailing SPC:


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