Agriculture Thrives Pre & Post COVID-19

PIFON opens in Hawaii, USA
The Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network has opened its US based office in Kapolei, Hawaii as the Network extends its reach into the North Pacific.
PIFON launch PIRAS project for members in Fiji and Solomon Islands
The Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network have launched the Pacific Islands Rural & Agriculture Stimulus Facility project (PIRAS) aimed at helping farmers in Fiji and Solomon Islands recover from the impact of the Covid pandemic.
A total of $1.5M will be available to PIFON farmer organisation members in each target country who have been selected to lead the intervention based on existing relationships with target area communities and capacity to deliver over the next 3 years.
Grofed unveils 5 year plan to boost agricultural production
Plans to boost agricultural production in Tonga and increase income earning opportunities for more than 1500 growers have been unveiled.
The Grower’s Federation of Tonga’s 5-year business strategy also looks at improved livelihood for women and youth.
CEO Sinai Tui’tahi said the strategic business plan is a product of consultation between the Federation and its major stakeholders.