Agriculture Thrives Pre & Post COVID-19

PIFON secures $1.5M partnership to boost economic recovery
The Pacific Islands Rural & Agriculture Stimulus (PIRAS) $1.5M project is set to boost economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in the next 3 years, while improving incomes and food and nutrition security for rural communities in Fiji and Solomon Islands.
It follows the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network’s commitment to building bigger and better partnerships to address a wider COVID-19 response across the Pacific involving multiple Farmer Organisations and agencies.
SIDS Solutions Forum : ‘The focus needs to be on building partnerships’
It has been said that strength often comes in numbers, and that is what members of the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network found when impacts of the global pandemic took full effect in 2020.
When COVID-19 hit last year, the pressure to resolve the current supply and value chain of agriculture was high as the Network began coordinating recommendations to inform Governments and stakeholders on the construction of a supply chain.
Minoru Nishi Jr receives Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga
Minoru Nishi Jr, the Vice Chairman of Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network and Managing Director of Nishi Trading, has been conferred the Honor of the Royal Order of the Crown of Tonga at an Investiture Ceremony.
The investiture to honor His Majesty, King Tupou VI ten years of accession to the throne, was staged at the Royal Palace in Nuku’alofa.