
In our Quarter 3 newsletter, agricultural economist and lead author of the ‘COVID-19 Overview Report: Expected Impacts In The Pacific’ – Dr. Andrew McGregor – says the impacts on food security and nutrition are likely to be considerable.
Upon the release of the Pacific Report 1 [FO4ACP], PIFON’s senior programme manager, Lavinia Kaumaitotoya talks about the closure of borders, the collapse of tourism businesses and its combined impacts on PIFON members.
We’re also joined by Sant Kumar of Bula Agro, Shelley Burich of Samoa Women’s Association of Growers, Rajneel Krishnan Nair of Nair Farms & Livestock and Kyle Stice of Nadi Bay Herbs for the conclusion of the Pacific Farmers Have Their Say Survey.
Papali‘i Dr. Failautusi Avegalio Jr. and Maureen Penijueli close the Quarter 3 newsletter on Food & Water Security in the Age of Pandemics and Agriculture: The Roots Of Our Growth?
Thank-you all for your time and participating in these important discussions.