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Farmer Led Participatory Action Research

Farmer-centered, Farmer-led, Participatory Action Research is a collaborative approach that empowers farmers as co-researchers, emphasizes their knowledge,and promotes sustainable and context-specific outcomes. It also fosters inclusive decision-making and has higher potential for widespread adoption and positive impact on farming communities. This had been successfully achieved through projects led by Pacific Farmer Organisations with IFAD, Agricord, WRF, FO4ACP Project, PIRAS Project, and the FORI Project. Farmer Led Research is  1.) Holistic and Interconnected: Consider the intricate relationships between elements of a system, including spiritual, ecological, and societal aspects. Often integrates knowledge from mythology, spirituality, and ancestral wisdom. 2.) Inclusive in Decision Making: Policymakers, researchers, and farmers jointly make decisions throughout the research process. This participatory decision-making ensures that different perspectives are considered, and the chose approaches are fair, sustainable and equitable. 3.) Capacity Building: Investing in building the capacity of farmers to actively engage in research activities. This includes providing training, access to relevant information, and resources to enhance their skills in experimentation, date management, and analysis.

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