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Women In Business Development Inc And Samoa AgroMarketing To Strengthen Partnership

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WiBDi Programme Manager Gillian Stewart says their partnership with Samoa AgroMarketing continues to strengthen with both organisations formalising their commitment to continue pursing market access opportunities

Monday 8

Apia, Samoa – The development of a business partnership proposal between Women In Business Development Inc and Samoa AgroMarketing is expected to strengthen the existing partnership between the two organisations.

“Our key market development activities continue to be a priority focus to strengthen supply chain readiness and income generation opportunities,” says Gillian Stewart, the Programme Manager of Women In Business Development Inc.

“The informal partnership we have with Samoa AgroMarketing has continued to strengthen in our project activities, despite a shutdown of the Hawaiian export market due to a Quarantine issue which has since been resolved in January.”

Gillian Stewart said both organisations have formalized their commitment to continue pursing market access opportunities through the submission of a ‘Business Partnership Proposal – Concept Note’ to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government.

“It’s funding consideration for the construction of a warehouse to improve product souring, storage, quality control and expanded export market access.”

Valued at $500K, Gillian Stewart said the proposal was well received and the organisations were invited to submit a full business proposal that’s expected to improve market access opportunities for vulnerable families to supply koko, fresh and frozen taro and coconuts.

The application process was partly funded by the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP) Programme, a joint partnership between the European Union, Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) and Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON).

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