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Women in Business Development Inc Build Stronger Financial Platform To Enhance Efficiencies

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WiBDi Programme Manager Gillian Stewart (second from right) says significant improvements have been made for the quarter

Wednesday 21

Apia, Samoa – In a move to improve institutional capacities, the Women in Business Development Inc are updating and migrating existing financial control systems.

The action is expected to ease new government tax management requirements that will enhance efficiencies for financial reporting and auditing.

“We’re improving monitoring, evaluation and learning evidence collection and data analysis to implement a stronger financial platform from which to operate,” says Programme Manager, Gillian Stewart.

“There’s significant improvements to be reported this quarter around farmer organisation internal positioning to commence 2021, and with an enhanced clarity of purpose and pathways for targeted outreach and action.”

“The combined external and internal focused project activities linked to FO4ACP, compliment the collaborative approach to better farmer organisation management in this continuing unpredictable landscape.”

The activity was funded by the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP) Programme, a joint partnership between the European Union, Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) and Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON).

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