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Training to Strengthen Expertise in Crop Management and Exports

March 2024

Monday 20 and Tuesday 21

Sigatoka, Fiji – May 2024, A collaborative Bilateral Quarantine Agreement (BQA) training program on was held at Sigatoka Research Station on  equipped participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance Fiji’s biosecurity measures. The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BQA) led the initiative, working alongside the Ministry of Agriculture’s Extension Division and Nature’s Way Cooperative.

The two-day program brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including agricultural extension officers, plant protection specialists from Koronivia, and a BAF export system coordinator. Through a combination of informative sessions and practical training, participants gained valuable insights into crop husbandry practices, pest and disease identification techniques, and the latest BQA guidelines.

This collaborative effort strengthens Fiji’s capacity to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products destined for export. By equipping relevant personnel with the necessary expertise, the program contributes to maintaining robust biosecurity standards and promoting sustainable agricultural practic


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