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Climate Adaptation in the Pacific Islands through a Gender Lens

This report contains the results of the gender analysis conducted by women’s empowerment and agriculture officers from seven Farmer Organizations (FOs) in the Pacific region participating in the Climate Resilient Farming in the Pacific Islands (CRF-PI) facilitated by Pacific Farmer Organisations with funding support from multiple partners. The seven farmer organisations that led this assessment and analysis are PNG Women in Agriculture Development (WIADF), Samoa Women in Business Development (WIBDI), Vanuatu Farm Support Association (FSA), Growers Federation of Tonga (GroFED), Tei Tei Taveuni (TTT) Fiji, Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) – Solomon Islands, ANAPROFIKO Timor Leste. All are member FOs of Pacific Farmers Organisation (PFO).

The gender analysis followed a three-step approach: training on gender analysis tools during a June 2024 workshop in Fiji, fieldwork to collect data on gender roles in agriculture, and a final learning workshop held from December 2–4, 2024, led by Barun Gurung of WOCAN2, where Farmer Organization representatives presented findings and received in-person guidance to finalize assessments and document results. This methodological approach is further described in Section 1 of this report.

Section 2 of this report contains a brief overview of gender issues in the Pacific Region, and more specifically of the disproportionate impacts of climate change on women that result from existing gender asymmetries. This can be summarized as women facing increased burdens from severe weather events, food insecurity, and water scarcity, coupled with limited access to resources such as land and decision-making power. They are also more vulnerable during disasters and climate-induced displacement, while their traditional knowledge and economic opportunities are disrupted. The report further explores the specific obstacles women face in agricultural participation, including barriers to resources, decision-making, and opportunities for development.

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