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Category: Uncat

Mar 03
Nishi Trading Growers Welcome Independent Farm Information Management Platform

M A R C H  2 0 2 1 Nishi Trading is in the process of securing an enterprise subscription for AgWorld, a proposal that’s expected to benefit registered farmers Wednesday 3 Nuku’alofa, Tonga  – A unique structured data system, AgWorld, is advancing the work of Nishi Trading and its growers. “Everyone is keen and […]

Mar 01
Kastom Gaden Association Records High Demand For Seeds And Seedlings Knowledge

M A R C H  2 0 2 1 Kastom Gaden Association is working with Gerefesu Organic Farm, George Farm, Bloody Ridge Farm, Bethsaida Rural Training Centre, Christian Care Centre, Mareghoto Home Farm, Zaina Tina, Barana Farmer Group, Sape Farm and John Ladota to raise seedling production and distribution Monday 1 Honiara, Solomon Islands – […]