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Mar 22
Chambre d’agriculture Nouvelle-Calédonie Boosts FO4ACP Programme Visibility

M A R C H  2 0 2 1 The FO4ACP project is implemented by the Chamber of Agriculture in New Caledonia and comprises 3 components including the growth of participation and representativeness of Small Holder FO’s in decision-making bodies Monday 22 Noumea, New Caledonia – The Chambre d’Agriculture de Nouvelle-Calédonie website now features FO4ACP Activities as […]

Mar 19
PNGWiADF Partners With Department of Agriculture And Livestock For Agriculture Development

M A R C H  2 0 2 1 PNGWIADF president Maria Linibi (left) signing the MoU with DAL secretary Daniel Kombuk and director food security branch coordinator Brown Konabe at Erap DAL research station in Morobe | IMAGE: Jimmy Kalebe, The National Friday 19 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – The Papua New Guinea […]