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Category: Uncat

Dec 14
PIRAS: Biogas saves money and boosts productivity of farmers

D E C E M B E R  2 0 2 1 Tuesday 14 Marinitawa, Fiji – Many farmers leave waste from livestock and crops on their farms, or throw the waste into rivers, causing environmental problems such as eutrophication. Methane emissions from animal waste also contribute to the smell and pollution, and has been found […]

Dec 13
Grofed unveils 5 year plan to boost agricultural production

D E C E M B E R  2 0 2 1 Monday 13 Nuku’alofa, Tonga – Plans to boost agricultural production in Tonga and increase income earning opportunities for more than 1500 growers have been unveiled. The Grower’s Federation of Tonga’s 5-year business strategy also looks at improved livelihood for women and youth. CEO Sinai […]