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Category: Uncat

Jan 26
Global SIDS Solutions Dialogue : Call for more commitment and integration

F E B R U A R Y  2 0 2 2 Friday 11 Rome, Italy – Small Island Developing States will struggle to reach Sustainable Development Goals unless more political commitment and regional integration for inclusive agri-food systems, knowledge sharing and capacity development is prioritised. Leaders at the Global SIDS Solution Dialogue early this month […]

Jan 12
PIRAS : “I hope to see more women involved in agriculture”

J A N U A R Y  2 0 2 2 Thursday 13 Nadi, Fiji – Rural women are performing and fulfilling multiple roles from managing their families and farms to small businesses. The impacts of Tropical Cyclone Cody however is expected to increase existing challenges for those affected by Covid as they struggle to put food on […]