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Category: Uncat

Mar 25
Rebuilding Vanuatu after TC Pam will take a concerted effort

March 2015             In March 13th, Vanuatu was hit by severe Tropical Cyclone Pam. This was an exceptionally wide system (640 km in diameter) with wind gusts reaching 340 km/hr. Approximately, half of the archipelago (central and southern provinces) was severely devastated with most other islands affected to some degree. […]

Mar 02
New PIFON publications available online

February 2015 PIFON-MTCP II 2014 Annual Report PIFON has completed its 1st year as part of the Medium Term Cooperation Program for Farmer Organisations’ in Asia and the Pacific Phase II (MTCP II). The 2014 annual report presents the activities that were completed and initiated over the course of the year in 5 member countries. […]