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Category: Uncat

Sep 09
Tonga hosts Pacific Breadfruit Roundtable

September 2016   Farmer participants discuss breadfruit orchard planting techniques The Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network in partnership with Nishi Foundation, GroFed (Growers Federation of Tonga) and MORDI (Mainstreaming of Rural Development Innovation Tonga Trust) co-organized a Pacific Breadfruit Roundtable.  This two-day consultative roundtable was held in Nuku’alofa, on the friendly islands of Tonga from […]

Aug 09
FCLC implements a VC training for its Ginger farmers

August 2016   Soil conditions for ginger being explained Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON) member, the Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC) implemented a Ginger Value Chain training supported by PIFON and with funding through the EU SPC-PAPP project. This training was held on 20th July – 21st July, 2016 at the Coral Coast […]