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Dec 13
CTA releases PIFON’s publication on ‘Lessons learnt from Initial Piloting of Farmer Oriented Value Chain Trainings in the Pacific’

December 2017   PIFON recently released a video capturing the lessons learnt from its farmer oriented value chain trainings in Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu, now under the same project, it is even more excited to release a CTA publication documenting key lessons learnt from various PIFON supported value chain (VC) trainings. These VC trainings include: Value […]

Dec 01
Issue #12 | December 2017

2017 “Stars of Oceania” awards for PIFON The event was held on Wednesday, October 04, 2017 at the H. Rex Lee Auditorium in Utulei, American Samoa, the first time the event has been hosted outside of Hawaii since its inauguration in 2006. DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER