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Category: Uncat

Feb 06
Expanding the Network – A Win-Win Situation

Expanding the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network membership is not undertaken lightly, especially when it involves adding a new country to the mix. It is important that new members strengthen the overall network, and don’t reduce the services and benefits to the existing members. Timor Leste has been on the radar for some time, as […]

Feb 06
Better Farmer Organisations for Timor Leste

The Asosiasaun Nasional Produtor Fini Komersial (ANAPROFIKO) is a young organisation with a big job. It was established in 2015, as part of the Timor Leste Seeds of Life project, to act as the conduit between the government and the community seed producers. However, when the Seeds of Life project ended in mid-2016, ANAPROFIKO found […]