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Category: Uncat

Apr 29
Pacific Farmers Have Their Say: Unity Between Governments & Development Partners Critical

April 2020 Tuitahi Anticipates The Worst Has Yet To Come Sinaitakala Tuitahi (R) says the loss of income and markets for farmers may result in agricultural theft IMAGE: Growers Federation of Tonga  The closure of borders in over 70 countries is affecting global agricultural value chains and food systems. As many farmers are denied access […]

Apr 23
Pacific Farmers Have Their Say: Boost Food Sovereignty

April 2020 New Caledonia Faces Labour Shortage The demand for organic produce is on the rise in New Caledonia IMAGE: The New Caledonia Chamber of Agriculture In March, COVID 19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. In April, six Pacific countries including Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, French Polynesia, […]