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Pacific Breadfruit Project – Tutu Rural Training Center


Pacific Breadfruit Project, Pacific Islands-part of the global FO-RI programme 

The main expected aim for the Farmer Innovation for Sustainable Breadfruit Value Chains Project (Pacific Breadfruit Project) in the Pacific is to:

  • reverse the traditional model of agricultural research and knowledge transfer by putting farmers/processors and farmer/processor innovation at the center of further development of sustainable breadfruit agroecology and market systems.
  • Develop practical solutions to expanding agroecological (AE) production of breadfruit
  • Develop practical solutions to product development / processing and market linkages driving new opportunities for small farmers who produce AE breadfruit

In the Pacific 5 farmer organizations lead action research initiatives in 5 countries – Te Tango Enua (Cook Islands), Nishi Trading Ltd (Tonga) Tutu Rural Training Centre (Fiji Islands) PNG Women in Agriculture (Papua New Guinea), Kastom Gaden Association (Solomon Islands).

Research Objective:  

Promote sustainable breadfruit production and utilization in Fiji, benefiting local farmers and communities.


The project is situated in Taveuni, Fiji, where breadfruit plays a crucial role in providing sustainable food and income. The project aims to address challenges like food security, import substitution, and environmental sustainability by promoting organic breadfruit farming and processing.

Action Research Activities

  1. Researching organic breadfruit growing practices using compost and compost tea.
  2. Increasing production efficiency of organic breadfruit flour by 30% through upgrading of TRTC food lab and developing a farmers guide for flour processing from breadfruit.
  3. Ensuring long-term availability of breadfruit varieties through establishing a TRTC Gene Bank to protect diverse breadfruit genetic resources and to preserve genetic diversity for future research and development.


  • Local Farmers: Improve breadfruit cultivation knowledge and skills with scientifically validated organic practices. Increase yields, soil health, and reduce reliance on imported wheat flour.
  • Local Communities: Enhance food security by promoting sustainable breadfruit production and consumption.

Implementing Farmer Organisations 

Tutu Rural Training Centre (TRTC) in Taveuni, Fiji, is a non-profit organization with a history of expertise in breadfruit and agroforestry. For many years, TRTC has been committed to these fields, maintaining a dedicated breadfruit orchard with over 600 trees and offering comprehensive training courses on breadfruit cultivation, processing, and value-added products. The organization’s involvement in research on breadfruit agroforestry has yielded several published papers, and they are currently engaged in implementing the Pacific Breadfruit Project in the Fiji Islands. 

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