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Pacific Breadfruit Project – Te Tango Enua


Pacific Breadfruit Project, Pacific Islands-part of the global FO-RI programme 

The main expected aim for the Farmer Innovation for Sustainable Breadfruit Value Chains Project (Pacific Breadfruit Project) in the Pacific is to:

  • reverse the traditional model of agricultural research and knowledge transfer by putting farmers/processors and farmer/processor innovation at the center of further development of sustainable breadfruit agroecology and market systems.
  • Develop practical solutions to expanding agroecological (AE) production of breadfruit
  • Develop practical solutions to product development / processing and market linkages driving new opportunities for small farmers who produce AE breadfruit

In the Pacific 5 farmer organizations lead action research initiatives in 5 countries – Te Tango Enua (Cook Islands), Nishi Trading Ltd (Tonga) Tutu Rural Training Centre (Fiji Islands) PNG Women in Agriculture (Papua New Guinea), Kastom Gaden Association (Solomon Islands).

Research Objective:  

To conserve, document, and utilize breadfruit resources in the Cook Islands. This includes collecting varieties, recording traditional knowledge, phenotyping, and establishing agroforestry orchards.


The Cook Islands’ unique context calls for preserving breadfruit’s cultural and historical importance against challenges like land use changes and declining traditional practices. The project addresses these by documenting local knowledge, conserving diversity, and promoting sustainable practices through agroforestry.

Action Research Activities

  1. Collection and multiplication of diverse breadfruit varieties and collection and documentation of traditional knowledge, local names, and attributes alongside phenotypic characterization.
  2. Establishing a sustainable smallholder breadfruit agroforestry orchard to research site evaluation and preparation, choice of varieties, spacing, and complementary/cover crops.


  • Breadfruit Growers: Directly engaging with breadfruit cultivators, the project empowers growers with improved techniques and knowledge, enhancing yields, sustainability, and cultural heritage preservation.
  • Local Communities: By involving communities, the project fosters ownership in breadfruit preservation, offering diverse nutritious foods while safeguarding cultural traditions.
  • Landowners: Collaborating with landowners is pivotal for establishing sustainable agroforestry orchards, contributing to landscape health and food security.
  • Researchers and Educators: Experts’ involvement ensures scientific perspectives and effective knowledge sharing, spreading best practices through workshops and educational materials.
  • Government and NGOs: Collaboration with these stakeholders leverages networks and resources, aligning project efforts with broader sustainable development goals.

Implementing Farmer Organisations 

A non-profit organization promoting food security and self-reliance in the Cook Islands. Collaborative efforts include farmers, fishers, and other stakeholders to enhance food production and access.

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