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PNGWiA are assisting five villages to construct a storage facility and milling house
Wednesday 24
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea – More than three hundred rice farming families are expected to benefit from a storage facility and milling house.
Maria Linibi, the President of Papua New Guinea Women In Agriculture said they will be working with five rice farming villages including the communities of Ziampir, Biring and Antiragin.
Project implementation however was delayed due to the surrounding impacts of the global pandemic.
“With restrictions throughout PNG on flights, land transport, public gatherings, lockdowns and curfews, it has limited our activities.”
“Following detailed consultations with PIFON, plans have now been revised to forge ahead with current planned activities where possible and within Government, health, IFAD and PIFON guidelines.”
The storage facility and milling house is funded by the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific – FO4ACP Programme, a joint partnership between the European Union, Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON).