F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1
ANAPROFIKO have launched their product store and website at the recent Farmers Forum that was attended by 54 participants
Friday 12
Dili, Timor-Leste – ANAPROFIKO have launched their product store and website at the second Farmers Forum from Arbiru Beach Hotel.
“We’re growing,” says Joanico Ximenes, the General Secretary of ANAPROFIKO. “Our website marks one of the most exciting milestones of our business, it will form the foundation of our marketing and serve as a hub to represent our brand to our audience.”
“We’re also very excited about our product store, the business will support our various activities.”
Joanico Ximenes said the forum was a continuous dialogue of strengthening their core mission in seed sovereignty and sustainable food security.
“It’s an on-going bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between organisations of smallholder farmers and rural producers.”
“Our aim is to strengthen effective partnerships and collaboration between Governments, TOMAK Agency and PIFON.”
Attended by 54 participants, Joanico Ximenes said ANAPROFIKO continues to work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to develop food security during the global pandemic.
The Farmers Forum was funded by the Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific – FO4ACP Programme, a joint partnership between the European Union, Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON).