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Our Background

Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC) was created to represent the needs of an estimated 60,000 farmers in the non-sugar agricultural sectors in the country.

Launched by the Minister of Primary Industries, Joketani Cokanasiqa in 2010, it was established to raise the profile of farmers involved in crops and livestock production; to act as the apex forum for advocacy and key services that are specifically designed to respond to the needs of, and reflect the reality of agriculture with the view to drive growth n the industry.

FCLC has its Secretariat located in Lautoka with a Board of Trustees in place, but the core of the Councils is in its associations.

The commodity associations that presently make up the Council are the Pigs, Honey, Dalo, Yaqona, Grazing Livestock, Ginger, Cocoa, Agri-Exporters, Rice, Coconut Producers/Millers, Dairy, Organics, Fruits & Vegetables.

Government continues its close working relationship with FCLC and recently signed an MOU with the agricultural organization that provided additional funds for association development.

But its main source of funding comes through the European Union (EU) through its Improvement to Key Services in the Agriculture sector facilitated by its project partner International Trade Centre (ITC).

All farmers are encouraged to register through their respective commodity associations. Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC) was created to represent the needs of an estimated 60,000 farmers in the non-sugar agricultural sectors in the country.

Our Members

About 3000 registered farmers